Premium Select Fuel Additives
Winter Klenz ID with Ice Check
Winter Klenz ID with Ice Check
Injector nozzle coking is not the only concern faced by modern high pressure common rail (HPCR) engines. Internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) are causing substandard performing injectors that lead to decreased power, decreased fuel economy, and increased regulated emissions. This coupled with other ailments, which can be present in ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) – require the need for a
Premium Select™ premium diesel additive (PDA).
Winter Klenz ID 5752 is a Premium Select™ winterized PDA which imparts high performance qualities to diesel fuel. WKID 5752 was engineered to eliminate injector problems associated with today's HPCR engines, enhance many other qualities of fuel and may be used in traditional diesel engines. WKID 5752 provides "Premium Diesel Fuel" qualities to ULSD in terms of injector deposit control, corrosion, filter blocking tendency (FBT), lubricity, low temperature operability and cetane number. Its effective anti-gel component greatly improves cold temperature performance. Ice Check™ provides additional winter protection against freezeups. In addition WKID 5752 contains Xtreme Torque® a powerful cetane improver, for quicker cold starts and a maximum boost in power and performance and vastly superior IDID clean / keep clean additives.
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